Eligibility for Comprehensive Organizational Support
Tacoma Creates has specific eligibility requirements, based on Washington State and City of Tacoma legislation.
To be eligible to apply in the Comprehensive Organizational Support category, your organization must meet all of the following criteria:
Primary Purpose: Your organization’s primary purpose must be to advance and/or preserve arts, culture, heritage and/or science; see the Definitions section for additional details.
Organizations that have primary missions focused in other areas, including education, social services, health, and youth development, are not eligible for Tacoma Creates funding, even if they offer programs in arts, culture, heritage, or science.
Non-Profit Status: Your organization is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, incorporated under the laws of Washington State and recognized by the Internal Revenue Service
Location: Your organization’s official business address is within Tacoma city limits
Program Delivery: Your organization must directly provide programming or experiences to the general public within Tacoma city limits.
Track Record: Your organization has a two-year history of providing cultural programming or experiences to the general public in Tacoma.
Organizations are not eligible if they are:
Any agency of the state or political subdivisions
A municipal corporation
An organization that raises funds for redistribution to multiple cultural organizations
Radio or television broadcasting network or stations, cable communications systems, internet-based communications venture or services, newspapers, or magazines
If your organization does not meet all of the above criteria for Comprehensive Organizational Support, check out the Eligibility for Impact Funding Page to see if you are eligible for Impact Funding.