Program Locations
This interactive map shows the locations of the programs and events that happened throughout the City of Tacoma with Tacoma Creates funding support during the 2023-24 program year.
You can find the map legend below – click on the list icon in the green bar on the top right corner of the map. The blue dots on the map indicate where Youth Education Programs took place, and the orange dots represent General Public Programs. Click on the dots for more information, including names of events, producing organization(s), and locations. There are many locations where multiple events took place; use the arrows in the pop-up windows to scroll through to see the details of different events.
The purple layer is from the City of Tacoma's Equity Index, an interactive tool that visually highlights disparities in Tacoma. This tool supports data-informed decision making to improve access to opportunity for all community members. The areas of the city with darker shading have higher levels of equity/opportunity; lighter shading indicates lower levels of equity/opportunity.
You can toggle additional layers by clicking the layer icon, which is found in the green bar on the top right corner of the map. This will allow you to show or hide different program years, program types, and other visual layers on the map. You may also zoom in or out, or reset the map by using the green navigation buttons found on the left side of the map.
This map was created by Matt Kelley and the Action Mapping Project at the University of Washington-Tacoma.