The Tacoma Creates Public School Cultural Access Program (PSCAP) designates a portion of funding to support cultural programs for Tacoma Public Schools students and teachers. This excerpt from the Tacoma Municipal Code demonstrates the range of programming that may be covered by these funds:

  1. Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO): Before/after-school classes, summer classes, offered in partnership with and on the campuses of TPS, and in collaboration with one or more ELO partners that manage logistics required to enable successful programming.

  2. Systems support for ELO: Tacoma Creates will help support ELO partner(s) expenses related to staffing, marketing, coordinating registration, transportation, snacks, etc. necessary to support a comprehensive ELO system that serves all students.

  3. School Day Programs at TPS sites: Learning opportunities offered by Tacoma Creates-funded organizations that occur during the regular school day, as part of basic education.

  4. School Day and School Break Field Trips: TPS classes traveling off-campus to an arts, culture, heritage, and/or science learning experience led by a Tacoma Creates-funded organization. Tacoma Creates funding would cover bus transportation as well as the cost of the learning experience.

  5. Professional Development and Curriculum Support: Tacoma Creates-supported organizations may collaborate with TPS to offer professional learning programs for certified teachers/district staff, and/or collaborative curriculum development, in order to improve schools’ capacity to deliver high-quality learning experiences in arts, culture, heritage, and science.

  6. Capacity Building for Cultural Organization Educators: Professional learning programming offered by Tacoma Creates to support high-quality instruction in PSCAP programs. This may include, but not be limited to, topics such as instructional design, social justice and racial equity in K-12 education, social emotional learning, and trauma-informed practice.

  7. Early Learning Programs: Arts/culture/heritage/science education programs offered in collaboration with TPS pre-school programs (Head Start and Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP)).

  8. High School Internships: Opportunities for students in grades 9-12 to earn relevant work experience within an arts, culture, heritage, and/or science organization.

  9. Emerging Opportunities: Additional opportunities not detailed here, but which support arts, culture, heritage, and/or science learning for TPS students and teachers may be included in PSCAP funding.

PUBLIC SCHOOL CULTURAL ACCESS PROGRAM The Tacoma Creates Public School Cultural Access Program (“PSCAP”) designates a portion of funding to support cultural programs for Tacoma Public Schools students and teachers. This excerpt from the Tacoma Municipal Code demonstrates the range of programming that may be covered by these funds: Expanded Learning Opportunities (“ELO”): Before/after-school classes, summer classes, offered in partnership with and on the campuses of TPS, and in collaboration with one or more ELO partners that manage logistics required to enable successful programming. Systems support for ELO: Tacoma Creates will help support ELO partner(s) expenses related to staffing, marketing, coordinating registration, transportation, snacks, etc. necessary to support a comprehensive ELO system that serves all students. School Day Programs at TPS sites: Learning opportunities offered by Tacoma Creates-funded organizations that occur during the regular school day, as part of basic education. School Day and School Break Field Trips: TPS classes traveling off-campus to an arts, culture, heritage, and/or science learning experience led by a Tacoma Creates-funded organization. Tacoma Creates funding would cover bus transportation as well as the cost of the learning experience. Professional Development and Curriculum Support: Tacoma Creates-supported organizations may collaborate with TPS to offer professional learning programs for certified teachers/district staff, and/or collaborative curriculum development, in order to improve schools’ capacity to deliver high-quality learning experiences in arts, culture, heritage, and science. Capacity Building for Cultural Organization Educators: Professional learning programming offered by Tacoma Creates to support high-quality instruction in PSCAP programs. This may include, but not be limited to, topics such as instructional design, social justice and racial equity in K-12 education, social emotional learning, and trauma-informed practice. Early Learning Programs: Arts/culture/heritage/science education programs offered in collaboration with TPS pre-school programs (Head Start and Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (“ECEAP”)) High School Internships: Opportunities for students in grades 9-12 to earn relevant work experience within an arts, culture, heritage, and/or science organization. Emerging Opportunities: Additional opportunities not detailed here, but which support arts, culture, heritage, and/or science learning for TPS students and teachers may be included in PSCAP funding.